TOP>OUR SERVICE>Locality × Yuit
Locality ≒ Globalism
Local regions and the world join together transcending
national borders – this is no mere fairy story!
One reason we established Yuit is “Locality.”
Each particular Locality possesses its own unique Culture.
No progress can be made if the Originality of the culture is limited to that particular Locality.
Yuit believes that what springs from fine quality regions (Locality) can transcend country borders and
be transmitted to the world (Globalize). With sophisticated networking now readily available,
“localization” is a word of the past. Locality and Globalism sit side by side.
With Locality as a keyword, Yuit has handled the realization of many companies.
One such example is herumana – a project to connect regional farmers to city life –
which we handled soon after our establishment.
We also took on the branding of NAGANO WINE (originating in Nagano Prefecture),
arranging events in Tokyo in the hope of relating the wonder of Japanese wine to the world.
What we learned from the NAGANO WINE project is the necessity of eradicating
the unseen lines that seem to exist in between local regions and the city.
In order to invigorate local regions, we discovered that the hitherto implemented methodology of“
town renewal” is limited in its effectiveness.
To truly interconnect local regions with cities,
Yuit is playing an important role in the pinpointing the potential of each Locality.
Works (Locality × Yuit)